A place to grow...
“Rooted” is our young adults ministry led by Craig and his wife, Holly. This group is for ages 18-30, we meet at SCF every-other Tuesday night at 7:00pm. Please see the calendar for specific dates. We would love to have you join us!
Craig & Holly Griebel
Young Adults
Shoot me an email with the questions you have. We will go over these questions in our Tuesday night Bible study. If you don’t want me to share or want it to be kept confidential just let me know.
What We Do
Gather Together
Every Sunday and Wednesday, we gather at SCF. Sunday’s is a day for us to gather for worship and to dive into the word. Wednesday’s in typically more laid back. We meet for worship and the break out into our small groups, where we can talk in a more intimate setting and learn how to apply the Bible and Christian knowledge to our everyday life. Come as you are, ask questions and build friendships.
Young Adults
18yrs-30yrs old
Every other Tuesday at Craig and Holly’s place: 7:00pm
Shoot me an email for the address: